A soft touch, a stroke of affection that is gentle and caring, yet my body freezes from your grasp. The comfort you provide twists my stomach. The whispers you speak into my ear are heard in my skin’s shivering, your words are apprehensive and demanding, yet your silky voice glides slowly through my oesophagus, swallowing me as I scream in silence.
I can feel you swim through my thoughts, churning my spirit and regurgitating the remnants into an illustrious ooze, becoming unclear of where I end and where you begin. Emptied and lost in this haze you created, these manifestations have intruded my entirety and I am shackled and bound by you, I only ask that you mend this vessel once you relinquish me.
The fear that you may never release me from this unrelenting, revoltingly sweet nightmare is seemingly more real each day I live within you. Your eloquence has brittled my bones. My flesh now pruned and dishevelled, and yet time has no quarrel with you. Your purity and youth has been untarnished, the only imperfection you hide is your deceptive ways.
Your words were intoxicating.
You told me I was beautiful.
You said I could finally learn to love myself if I let you in.
And now that you are here, I wish you were gone.
But soon enough I will be, and you will be nothing but a forgotten memory. And so will I.
You told me I was beautiful.
You said I could finally learn to love myself if I let you in.
And now that you are here, I wish you were gone.
But soon enough I will be, and you will be nothing but a forgotten memory. And so will I.